Sunday, September 23, 2007

President of Iran to Speak at Columbia U

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been invited to speak at Columbia University tomorrow. (Mon. Sept 24.) There are several issues at hand here that have caused his visit to be hugely controversial:

  1. Ahmadinejad is a supporter of Iran's nuclear program. Though he claims that Iran is seeking nuclear capabilities strictly for power purposes, there is much speculation that Iran is seeking to build a nuclear bomb.
  2. He is a Holocaust denier. (Click for video)
  3. Iran is accused of sending weapons and supporting insurgents in Iraq.
  4. The United States does not have any diplomatic relations with Iran. (State Dept warning on traveling to Iran. It also discusses the country's repressive climate.)
My opinion:
Opening up ties with another country and encouraging an honest dialogue is positive, of course. However, this is a travesty. Ahmadinejad's regime is responsible for supporting terrorism in Iraq and he has the blood of our soldiers on his hands. It's laughable that such a prestigious university would invite a dictator and a murderer with open arms. Would they invite Slobodan Milosevic? Kim Il-Jong? Omar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir (the Sudanese president.)?
Ahmadinejad has his right to say what he wants, just as anyone else. However, Columbia University shouldn't be handing him a means of spreading such hateful ideas. It is not only an insult to glaring insult to our troops, but it an affront to any sort of intellectualism to welcome someone so ignorant with open arms.

What You Can Do:
Attending the speech: Unfortunately, Columbia's campus is closed to those without a Columbia ID card on Monday, due to security concerns. I will post a transcript or video of the speech as soon as it is available.

Protesting the speech:
  • Where: Outside the gates of Columbia University - W. 116th street and Broadway (there is a permit for a protest)
  • When: Monday, September 24, 1:00-3:00
  • Facebook event containing more info.

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