Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Iraq Position Locator

I want to link you to Slate.com's Iraq Position Locator.

It's a chart of politicians, pundits and reports and their original views on the war, current views on the war, view on the surge, suggested solution and whether they have ever been to Iraq or not. What's important to you? Is it that a person is against the war now, even if he or she wasn't initially? Is it that he or she always was and still are against the war? Is it consistency, no matter what he or she believes?

The Iraq war is one of the major issues of the 2008 election and one of the more, if not one of the most, significant events that we will see in our lifetime. It's also, I'm sure, going to be one of the most talked about issues during this election. For this reason, it's important to have an understanding of exactly what's going on here.

This is another article from Slate, by columnist Christopher Hitchens, whom I adore: Which Iraq War Do You Want to End? It explains some of the intricacies of the war and the multiple conflicts-within-a-conflict that are taking place.

PS A little side note on Hitchens. You should check out his book God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything Even if you're religious and feel that you might be offended by Hitchens' relentless atheism, it's still an interesting read on the tremendous influence religion has had in the world.

I also added a poll to the page about the '08 election. See the sidebar and vote now!

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