Friday, November 09, 2007

Please, Don't Drink the Kool-Aid. Even If It Is Delicious, Delicious Red.

So, apparently, there's an email forward going around claiming that Barack Obama refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance. This photo, is apparently evidence. However, a number of sources, including the Washington Post, and (which has video) --- not to mention Time's actual caption--- have refuted this claim, and said that this picture was taken during the national anthem, not the pledge, which would make the way Obama is standing, completely appropriate.

Personally, I'm not voting for Obama, but does this mean I think that this foolishness should be spread about him? Of course not.

I have such disdain for people who just accept everything they see, hear and read as true, without questioning things or seeking out the facts for themselves. There is nothing I view as more dangerous than such stubborn ignorance. And I'm not differentiating partisanly in this case. "Politically-correct-everyone's-opinion-is-valid-even-if-it's-a-logical-fallacy-liberalism" is just as bad as "Negroes-and-Jews-are-ruining-our-country-let's-nuke-the-terr'ists-rednecks."
Please, don't be an idiot. Find out things for yourself. And for God's sake, if it's in an email forward? It's more than likely it's not true. Do us all a favor and don't spread ignorance.

And, on another note, patriotism is not an empty gesture. That American flag pin or the made-in-China yellow ribbon or saying the pledge doesn't make you patriotic. How many of you even bothered to vote this year? (Election day was Tues. Nov 6th. Yes, I know, you forgot!) How many of you avoided my gaze when I stood behind a table asking for money for care packages for our soldiers?

Most likely, you either believe "support the troops, bring them home." or else you have one of those god-awful yellow ribbons. I'm sure our soldiers really appreciate your kind thoughts and good intentions. Oh wait! The road to hell is paved with good intentions!
Apathy will get us no where. "Really really caring about" will get us no where. If you're as open-minded, as caring, as patriotic as you pretend to be, then you'll do something active for a change.

Please comment and let me know what you think!

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